Home StorieQuarantena di viaggio Non avere timore

Non avere timore

di Mille Battute


Abbiamo chiesto alle persone come si vive, cosa si pensa, cosa si scrive fissando sempre le stesse 4 mura durante una quarantena. Queste sono le storie che ci hanno raccontato. Ora noi le raccontiamo a voi.


Elisa Garosi

In late February, I received the news that my friend tested positive for coronavirus. I spend time with him on a regular basis and I started to follow the precautionary measures of self-quarantine and I had no clue that those fifteen days would soon lengthen.
Slowly, the quarantine advanced from the physical to the self and few of the many questions that emerged were –
“How does one emotionally prepare for coronavirus quarantine?”
“How many ways are there to deal with a quarantine? Am I alone in this?”
“How many of us have sought an answer to this questions?”
In today’s time, the first intuition that came to me was to seek answers, or rather, for the necessity of seeking them.
Like I said, slowly, the quarantine moved from the physical to the self.
I thought of seeking answers by contacting all the significant people in my life, asking them how they were dealing with the quarantine, what they were wondering about in these testing times, what circumstances were pushing them to go on a journey of self-discovery and what the most complex things to deal with for them were.
For many people this quarantine has given way to face the concept of family, real closeness, coupling, small self-sufficient groups. Right now I realize how important the teachings of the ecovillages and communities are, small realities that have managed to respond promptly to emergencies, despite the people who live in the urban jungles.
The deep connection they have with themselves, the strong relationships with the people by their side, the communion with nature… these elements seemed fundamental to me to face a situation like the one we are experiencing.
I hope to now create what I’d never.


Elisa Garosi

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